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Tutte le traduzioni - sleplynn

Lingua originale
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Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Inglese While the watch was being changed on the ramparts...
the first to break out of the cloud on the far side of the lake would have the advantage
The Amber Spyglass kitabından..

Traduzioni completate
Turco Surlarda nöbet değiştirilirken...
Lingua originale
Inglese In vast caverns beneath the rearing walls,...
In vast caverns beneath the rearing walls, provisions every sort were stored and labeled; in the arsenals and magazines, engines of war were being calibrated, armed, and tested in the mills below the mountain, volcanic fires fed might forges where phosphor and titanium were being melted and combined in alloys never known or used before.

Traduzioni completate
Turco Duvarların ardındaki geniş oyuklar,...